Physician Career Resources Blog
View all postsHow to Deal With Social Issues in the Medical Setting
By Nora Ekeanya D.O. - September 14, 2017
In my short career I’ve learned that, to excel as a physician, you have to do more than be able to regurgitate information. Be an example of comprehensive understanding, cohesion, and humility.
How Health Care Providers Can Help Victims of Hurricane Harvey
By Patricia Bratianu RN PhD RH-AHG - September 6, 2017
We all want to assist victims of Hurricane Harvey. There are several ways for healthcare providers to help the victims and those providing relief services. Some of us can go to the disaster area. Those
How Good Doctors Can Become Good Leaders
By Susan Gulliford CPRW - September 5, 2017
Leadership is a skill. Like any skill, it comes easier to some people. However, many doctors can become good leaders by identifying important characteristics and practicing certain behaviors. If
4 Signs You Are Burning Out
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - August 31, 2017
...I wanted to share a few subtle signs of burnout that can change the trajectory of a medical career. With increased workload, requirements for electronic health record documentation, system inefficiencies and the normal day-to-day stresses of clinical practice, it is easy to see why a life in medicine has taken its toll on many physicians...
Why Healthcare Professionals Are Killing Themselves
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - August 15, 2017
Working in the trenches of medicine requires stamina and mental fortitude. Fueling the body and mind is critical for optimal performance and patient care. Unfortunately, many healthcare professionals are killing themselves by what they put into their mouths.
Doctors, Know Your Rights! (What Employed Physicians Need to Know)
By Susan Gulliford CPRW - August 8, 2017
As an employee, you need to know that you have certain legal rights. Keep in mind this discussion concerns physicians who are employees, not independent contractors. Doctors need to know about these laws, too.
Lessons of Freakonomics - USMLE Step 2 CS is Excellent at Revenue Generation
By Ted Tsai, MD - August 1, 2017
Last time I discussed the book Freakonomics and how it described that people do what they are incentivized to do-- often to unintended results. Today I’m going to discuss a recently controversial aspect
Code Lavender: Healthcare Providers Caring for Themselves
By Sheramy Tsai - July 20, 2017
Stress is an inherent part of working in the health care system. While health care providers become accustomed to the daily stressors involved in their jobs, some moments arise that push caregivers past their emotional limits. Whether these situations consist of the death of a colleague, a stressful interaction between two health care providers, a difficult patient situation, or a variety of other stress-inducing situations, “Code Lavender” may be just what the doctor ordered.
How the Corporatization of Medicine Saved My Life
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - July 5, 2017
The wake-up call came just a few years later. The stated merger with a larger national group was nothing of the sort. I soon found my pay restructured, pension wiped out, and profit sharing canceled. By then my family was firmly rooted in the community and moving was not an option. As I watched many of my colleagues and friends pack up and leave, I found myself drowning in this bleak new reality.
Are Your Affairs in Order?
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - June 15, 2017
Delivering horrible news never gets easier. The physician pauses with a tense hand on the door, takes a deep breath, and enters the patient's room. A room full of hope and anticipation is displaced abruptly with fear and sadness. The diagnosis now revealed, and the patient and family step back in disbelief. We will do everything we can to help you beat this but recommend that you get your affairs in order...