Healthcare News & Opinion
View all postsFirst US Insurer to Build Medical School
By Angie Best-Boss RN - April 12, 2016
When it comes to HMO’s, it doesn’t get much bigger than Kaiser Permanente. When they make a move, the medical establishment takes notice. But their latest announcement was a bold one – the Oakland,
NFL Partners with Physician Group for Concussion CME
By Angie Best-Boss RN - April 7, 2016
After several well-publicized cases of brain injury among veteran players, a pricey lawsuit, and a new movie focusing on the perils of professional football and the risk of brain injury, the NFL is
A Nurse's Letter to the Interns
By Angie Best-Boss RN - March 17, 2016
It happens every summer – a new crop of interns show up on my hospital unit. It’s a nice rite of passage – a handful of new baby docs show up and spend a few months shadowing our unit’s physicians.
Nurses who fight the flu shot
By Angie Best-Boss RN - January 5, 2016
The flu shot reminders started in August this year at my hospital. “Flu shot season is approaching! Reminder: flu shots are mandatory for continued employment.” In my hospital system, and at thousands
Staffing Effects on Weekend Medical Care
By Angie Best-Boss RN - December 8, 2015
Appendectomies are appendectomies, right? As long as you have trained professionals operating in a safe environment, it shouldn’t matter when your patients go under the knife. Except that sometimes,
What This Nurse is Thankful For
By Angie Best-Boss RN - November 17, 2015
First and foremost, Thanksgiving is a paid holiday, so I’m thankful for any day in which my hour is worth time and a half. But that’s not all – Thanksgiving is a perfect opportunity to reflect on all
Back to our roots: Understanding Holistic Nursing
By Angie Best-Boss RN - November 5, 2015
When you think holistic nursing, what comes to mind? Airy, fairy nurses who focus only on warm fuzzies? That too-common misconception ignores the reality that holistic nurses are found in every nursing
When Healthcare Help Wanted Ads Go Bad
By Angie Best-Boss RN - October 27, 2015
Who makes the best nurses –men or women? How about Asian-Americans? African-Americans? For most people, just asking the question is offensive because the best nurses are those who are well-qualified,
Lateral Violence (Bullying) Among Nurses
By Angie Best-Boss RN - October 13, 2015
Every new nurse has either heard about it or experienced it first-hand. “Nurses eat their young.” Many nurses can relate a story that happened to them or someone with whom they work. Brittney Wilson, RN,
Hosts of "The View" Slam Nurses & Create a Movement
By Angie Best-Boss RN - September 21, 2015
What was Joy Behar thinking? If you are a nurse and you haven’t been living under a rock, you’ve heard by now how the hosts of the daytime talk tv show, The View, put their collective feet in their mouths