Medical Humor - The Lighter Side of Medicine
View all postsAdvertise Physician & Healthcare Jobs with HospitalRecruiting: New Commercial
By Blake Conner - October 19, 2022
HospitalRecruiting debuted its first commercial last week! For over ten years our physician and advanced practitioner job board has helped employers and job seekers with their hiring and job searches. We do so by driving proactive candidate applications, as well as offering access to our candidate database.
ZdoggMD - Waiting On The World To Change
By Michael Jones - August 25, 2020
"If we fight this fight together, we could change the world forever."
Is it Time To Laugh Yet? Funny Patient Moments to Lighten Your Day
By Christina Proctor, RN - October 4, 2019
Let’s be honest. Working in healthcare can be super stressful. The funny things our patients say and do give us a much needed break from the hectic, the serious, and the mundane parts of our work. Laughter is so good for us, and for our patients, too. Here are some of my personal favorite patient memories.
Coffee: Black Medicine
By Faith A. Coleman, MD - December 28, 2018
A story retrieved from the WebMD archives declares, “Doctors and Nurses are Fueled by Coffee.” In 2010, Harris Interactive, a market research agency, orchestrated a survey on coffee consumption. It included more than 3,600 coffee-drinking workers representing 12 professions.1 Nurses achieved the top honor (?). It didn’t take a survey to figure that out. Whether a rare cup - hot and fresh, or cold swill from last night, they drink what they’ve got to get the job done. Physicians ranked second in coffee consumption from among the 12 professions...
Fantasyland Memorial Clinic "Quality Measures"
By Ryan Montoya, M.D. - December 20, 2018
Fantasyland Memorial Clinic - a new medical humor comic presented by
Tales from the Trenches: A True Urologic Emergency
By Ore Ogunyemi, MD - November 13, 2018
As a second-year resident with only a few weeks of urology experience, I was used to introducing myself whenever entering the ER, hoping to summon a façade of expertise and bravado that was not entirely familiar to me. However, on this occasion, as soon as I passed through the double doors of the ER, I was summoned urgently to the first trauma bays by a frantic looking ER attending. I walked by a very uncomfortable looking police officer standing just outside before entering the trauma bay to find the entire trauma team assembled next to the patient.
Levity in Medicine
By Gerard DiLeo, MD - October 31, 2018
Is Medicine Fun? Does That Make It Funny? Roller coasters are fun. Playing sports is fun. Neither is really funny. Like a roller coaster, the practice of medicine can be thrilling and unpredictable, rough or smooth. Like playing sports, to do it well, you have to know what you’re doing—be good at it.
Tales from the Trenches - A Late Night in the ED
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - August 30, 2018
Tonight began like any other night. I sleepily entered the back door near the trauma bay and was greeted by a man sprinting down the hallway wearing one shoe, tighty-whities, and sporting handcuffs attached to one wrist.
4 Out of 5 Headhunters Agree: Doctors are the Hardest to Recruit
By Ron Lewis - March 9, 2017
Disclaimer: this article offers tongue-in-cheek generalizations based on stereotypical exaggerations for the purpose of engaging the readers’ interest. Any similarity between the boorish behaviors
ZdoggMD - Low - An Outpatient Clinic Jam
By Michael Jones - October 6, 2016
Editor's note: We're back with another jam from our favorite rapping physician Zubin Damania, MD (AKA ZDoggMD). We think anyone who works in an outpatient clinic might want to blast this one before opening