Healthcare Recruiting Tips & Employer Resources
View all postsHealthcare Leaders Can Convert Mistakes Into Opportunities
By Benjamin "Caleb" Williams RN, BA, CEN - February 24, 2021
Leadership is a major responsibility that requires humility, accountability, and an open mind. While it may be easy to push blame onto that of the subordinates who've made mistakes, the ultimate fault resides with the leader responsible for managing them. Here are just a few best practices on how to deal with the mistakes of others as a leader.
Are Exit Interviews Important?
By Jeffrey Hopkins - February 18, 2021
An employee on their way out from a company may find the last thing they want to do is an exit interview: but why is an exit interview important? For starters, it is when employees can become brutally honest and lay it on all the line without fear of retaliation. Companies can earn some of the most valuable insight by letting employees vent their grievances on their last day.
Healthcare Recruitment 2020: The Good, the Bad and the Future
By Riia O'Donnell - December 21, 2020
2020 has had a massive effect on healthcare and the shape of the industry as a whole. With 2021 right around the corner, now is a good time to reflect on all that made this year wild for healthcare recruiters; the good, the bad and the future.
Practice Management Challenges of Covid-19
By Faith A. Coleman, MD - September 15, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic is confronting medical practices with unique operational challenges. Some practices have turned to telemedicine. Some providers are finding it difficult to continue operating at all, with sweeping cancellations of elective procedures and discouragement of in-person office appointments...
AAPPR Survey Shows High Levels of Job Satisfaction Among Physician Recruiters
By Riia O'Donnell - August 4, 2020
As shifts in the industry and economy continue to pressure healthcare providers, an important revelation of the survey may be that most physician recruiters are highly satisfied with their job. The key will be to keep these motivated professionals on staff at your facility, rather than another.
Healthcare Recruiter and Candidate Boot Camp: Communication 101
By Stacey E. Halford, MSW, LMSW - July 14, 2020
Recruiter/candidate miscommunication is usually due to shifts in priorities, inattention to detail, or adding a third person into the lines of communication. Most of the time miscommunication is not intentionally hurtful or rude. Use the right communication tools at the right time. Your method of communication should help – not hinder – the context and intent of your message...
Healthcare Workforce & Provider Recruitment: Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic
By Stacey E. Halford, MSW, LMSW - June 5, 2020
Once the initial fear and anxiety around the COVID-19 pandemic passed, a new normal in the healthcare workforce world emerged. By now you’ve likely returned to work in some capacity. Maybe you now work remotely (Work from Home, or the new shorthand, WFH) and will do so for a while. Maybe you’ve recently returned to work under social distancing and protective face cover/mask constraints. Either way, the effects of COVID-19 loom for the long haul. Sit back, adjust your face mask, and learn how to adapt and thrive in the new world of healthcare workforce and provider recruitment...
Five Ways to Retain Top Talent – Onboarding & Beyond
By Stacey E. Halford, MSW, LMSW - May 28, 2020
Provider retention is about the tangible and intangible experiences you provide, so be creative and always seek feedback from the experts on retention – your newly hired healthcare professionals.
2019 AAPPR Physician Recruiter Satisfaction Survey Analysis
By Riia O'Donnell - May 7, 2020
A recent survey by the Association for Advancing Physician and Provider Recruitment outlines the level of work and satisfaction recruitment professionals are reporting in the healthcare industry. This sampling may represent a window into how your physician recruiters see their role in the institution, their value, and the pressures and rewards their work provides.
What I Will Be Looking for in My First Job After Residency
By James L West, MD - May 5, 2020
Ultimately, the factors that you’ll consider as your look for your first job are personal and largely depend on what you value.... In the final analysis, the most important thing to consider is your happiness, because as an early career attending, you will likely be working long hours, and you want to ensure that you enjoy the environment and the people with whom you’ve chosen to surround yourself.