Posts Tagged "Career Advice"
View all postsTop Five Reasons to Consider a Career in Healthcare
By Jacob Bollinger, PA - July 7, 2022
Though a career in healthcare is hardly ever as glamorous as portrayed on television, it can be just as exciting, satisfying, and humbling. Healthcare is a wonderful field to work in for a multitude of reasons, but among them all, here are the top 5.
Should You Apply to Positions You Are Under-Qualified For?
By Benjamin "Caleb" Williams RN, BA, CEN - June 29, 2022
You've found a job posting, but you're not so sure you meet the requirements to apply. On one hand you don't want to miss this opportunity, but on the other you don't want to waste your time. So the question stands, should you apply? Well, it depends.
Permanent vs. Locum Tenens – Which is Right for You? Part 2
By Shani Saks, DO - March 16, 2022
The ongoing physician shortage in the U.S. means the locum tenens industry is growing. Over 50,000 physicians work locums assignments annually, and 94% of hospitals have used a locums physician in the past year. Here are a few reasons to consider working locum assignments yourself.
Permanent vs. Locum Tenens – Which is Right For You? Part 1
By Shani Saks, DO - March 10, 2022
When considering your career as a physician, one of the first questions you'll ask yourself is what type of medical setting you'd like to practice in; a traditional, more permanent position, or a locum tenens assignment? This article weighs the pros and cons of both options.
Top Healthcare Career Resources Blogs of 2021
By Blake Conner - January 3, 2022
The Healthcare Career Resources blog provides recommended reading on the topics of job searches, healthcare recruitment, and industry news from the medical field. Summarized here are the top 5 healthcare career resource articles from 2021, ranging topics from physician career opportunities to finding your specialization in nursing.
How to Adapt to Extend Your Career in Medicine
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - December 29, 2021
What worked 10 years ago is no longer the standard of care, and this expiration also applies to knowledge. In the ever-changing world of medicine, a harsh but true mantra resonates; adapt or die.
7 Things You Should Do the First 7 Weeks of Your New Job
By Benjamin "Caleb" Williams RN, BA, CEN - November 10, 2021
You've finally landed your dream job, now you have to keep it. Making a good first impression on your colleagues and employer in the first few weeks will be critical to your long-term success in your position. Here we've collected 7 things you should be doing during the first 7 weeks of your new job.
Physicians: To Change Your Career, Change Your Perspective
By David Beran, DO - October 20, 2021
There are countless alternative career options for physicians, but more often than not, we fall into the sunk costs fallacy. We already spent a decade in school and hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans, and now we want to leave that job? This doesn't seem conducive to any good state of mind, so when changing careers, it's important to also change your perspective.
Rural Medicine: Go Small to Win Big
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - September 29, 2021
Though not as glamorous as taking jobs in the big city, rural physician jobs offer a variety of benefits. Many rural hospital teams report a higher level of camaraderie and ingenuity, and it can be easier to have a voice on a smaller team. Sometimes you need to go small to win big.
Urban, Suburban, or Rural Practice: Pros and Cons
By Laura Gilroy, MD - September 8, 2021
Many physicians dream of the day they get the free agency to choose their desired locale, rather than have their geography determined by fate. From city skylines to cornfields, there are pros and cons to every style of practice. Here is one physician's perspective on the differences between urban, suburban, and rural practice.