Posts Tagged "Medical School"
View all posts5 Tips for Choosing a Physician Specialty
By Santoshi Billakota, MD - September 13, 2023
Choosing a medical specialty is a crucial step in navigating your career as an attending physician, so it's important to consider various factors to ensure a balanced lifestyle and fulfilling professional career. Here are 5 tips for choosing your medical specialty.
What No One Tells You About Financial Health in Medical School and Residency
By Danielle Kelvas, MD - January 11, 2023
Medical school and residency are major financial burdens for those in healthcare, and neither program is going to teach you how to stay in good financial health through the process. In this article, Danielle Kelvas, MD, offers insight from her own experience in both on how to keep your finances in order during this difficult time.
Choosing the Right Medical Specialty For You
By Danielle Kelvas, MD - April 20, 2022
Choosing a medical specialty that fits you is a daunting task for medical students, and there are many things to deeply consider before diving in. What do you want your daily schedule to look like? How will hospital politics affect your job over time? Are other doctors in this specialty particularly happy? Above all, the future of healthcare remains unknown, so enjoy the ride.
9 Essential Skills Medical Schools Don't Teach and How to Overcome the Knowledge Deficit
By David Beran, DO - September 22, 2020
Medical schools teach medical content well, but they miss the mark when it comes to teaching the practical side of medicine. Questions like How should I manage my income? What should I look for in a contract? or What happens when I’m sued? are left unanswered. Physicians generally learn these lessons on the job and make avoidable mistakes along the way. The following are nine skills I wish I would have learned before leaving medical school.
The Road to Residency
By James L West, MD - January 20, 2020
The road to residency is long, and for many medical students, it begins within months of starting medical school, allowing little time for rest and relaxation. Once you’ve spent the time to know what specialty you intend to pursue, find a mentor to help shepherd you along the path. Next, do your research and learn what the objective measures for success are to match into your chosen specialty, and then set out to meet or exceed those standards!
Choosing a Specialty in Medical School
By James L West, MD - December 6, 2019
Deciding upon a specialty can be one of the most difficult tasks faced by medical students during their training. As if the stress of studying for cardiology was not enough, now you’re being asked to select rotations and to make some of your elective choices based on what your chosen specialty will be. For many students, this added layer of anxiety comes without a clear idea of how to choose a specialty. While we have guides that tell us how to examine patients, how to take tests, even how to grade a patient’s stool, the medical school curriculum doesn’t seem to offer much in the way of a systematic approach to selecting the specialty you will dedicate your life to. What follows are some simple first steps to aid you in this process, and to hopefully help you find your dream specialty.
Tips for Acing Your Medical School Interview
By James L West, MD - October 16, 2019
The medical school interview is a time to not only discuss the strengths of your application, but also to address and explain any potential weaknesses. A modest amount of preparation, along with a positive attitude, is all the prospective medical school applicant needs to succeed during the interview process and eventually secure a seat in medical school.
The Road to Medical School
By James L West, MD - October 9, 2019
The road to medical school is a long and rewarding journey that prepares you for residency and the process of becoming a physician. It is only one part of the journey, but it is the important beginning of the marathon.
Do’s and Don’ts of Clinical Rotations
By Arber Frakulli - September 6, 2019
Starting off my third year of Medical School, I had little idea as to how to behave during Clinical Rotations. It was an ongoing process of learning and tweaking my behaviors and objectives. This is a list of pointers that I wish I had known prior to beginning my rotations, things that I believe were essential to my success during my clinical years.
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Choose My Medical Specialty
By Ryan Montoya, M.D. - February 19, 2019
Choosing the right medical career is, like any other form of employment, filled with philosophically wondrous but functionally useless platitudes. The adage “do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life” decorates countless commencement speeches and career day addresses. Maybe that works for some jobs. In medicine, that strikes me as a bit backwards.