Posts Tagged "Medical Technology"
View all postsHealthcare Jobs of the Future: Current Trends and Opportunities
By Benjamin "Caleb" Williams RN, BA, CEN - August 16, 2023
The future of healthcare is coming. Providers who keep up with emerging medical technology and trends will help lead the way and be among those who thrive when disruptive changes occur.
Top 5 Career Mistakes Healthcare Providers Make and How to Avoid Them
By Benjamin "Caleb" Williams RN, BA, CEN - June 15, 2023
Healthcare professionals are dedicated to providing the best possible patient care, but still mess up from time to time. By avoiding these common career mistakes, you can ensure your time as a healthcare provider is fulfilling and successful.
Blockchain and Smart Devices are Creating Exciting Changes in Patient Care
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - April 6, 2022
Blockchains, artificial intelligence, and wearable monitoring devices are already changing the face of healthcare. Remote patient monitoring is quickly being advanced and holds promise in improving the healthcare of countless patients.
The Potential of Smart Contracts in Healthcare
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - July 15, 2021
Imagine a world where doctors are paid instantly after procedures and office visits, or where a patient could get preapproved for an MRI in minutes instead of days or weeks. Immediate access to medical records is vital in emergency situations, and it can happen through the use of smart contracts and the blockchain.
Emerging Medical Technologies That Will Improve Healthcare
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - January 7, 2021
Emerging and advancing medical technologies reached new heights in 2020 and show no signs of stopping marching into 2021. The COVID crisis has led to many innovations and advancements, and it seems this trend isn't over yet.
Healthcare in 2020 - A Physician Perspective
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - December 28, 2020
2020 has brought innumerable challenges to the healthcare field; burnout, telemedicine, differing opinions on controversial topics, and beyond. Here is one retrospective perspective from a physician on the matter.
The Changing Face of Healthcare Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic
By Ore Ogunyemi, MD - April 1, 2020
Even as the pandemic highlights gaps in our health care system, individuals, organizations, and governments have stepped up to deliver innovations to fill these gaps. While this change has come amidst a crisis, there are important lessons in these emergency measures that have the ability to affect our profession into the foreseeable future.
A Few Reasons to Be Excited About Healthcare in 2020
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - February 17, 2020
The pace of innovation in healthcare would bring a quizzical smile to the forefathers of medicine. By living in the future, brilliant minds are radically altering all aspects of the medical arena in today's world.
How Emerging Technologies Are Shaping the Future of Healthcare
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - August 27, 2019
Imagine a world where complex health issues can be solved or prevented with relative ease. As lifespan increases, technology innovators race to outpace the growing demands of the planet’s expanding population. Medical technology companies create faster, more, and less expensive answers to patient care needs. Engineering and science have converged, making medical practice easier for physicians, more effective for patients, and less costly to the system struggling to hold it all up...
Technological Change and Disruption in Medicine
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - July 23, 2019
You must change or risk permanent disruption. Opportunities are abundant, and the correct mindset will help ensure relevance as exponential technologies and those pioneers pushing the edge and disrupt the healthcare marketplace.