Posts Tagged "Physician Contract"
View all postsEmployed Physicians - The Choosers or the Chosen?
By Melody Covington, MD - July 12, 2016
Private practice is not yet extinct, but it has several challenges ahead if it plans to survive the ascension of the hospital system. As physicians look for employment, the bigger question looming in the background is are we truly choosing our practice environment, or is it choosing us?
Understanding Non-Compete and Restrictive Covenants in Physician Contracts
By Rachel Ragosa - June 11, 2015
Some of the most controversial aspects of physician employment contracts are restrictive covenants and non-compete agreements. While the AMA has been adamantly opposed to restrictive covenants, they
Physician Contract Review
By Rachel Ragosa - April 27, 2015
When a physician is given a formal job offer, it is produced in writing, along with a contract that contains a lot of small print and legalese. It’s highly recommended that you have your contract reviewed