Posts Tagged "Recruiting"
View all postsHigh Tech Recruitment Helps Healthcare
By Riia O'Donnell - March 22, 2018
With the advent of so much technology to help the recruitment process, it’s no wonder hospitals and healthcare organizations are turning to apps to acquire top talent. The shift for HR continues to
Top 10 Barriers Facing Healthcare Recruiters
By Sheramy Tsai - February 27, 2018
The recruitment industry can be a challenging field. In fact, it’s no surprise that 80% of the people who enter the industry fail within the first two years, never to be seen again. Certainly, there
Is AHCA a Job Killer, Healthcare Recruiting Getting Harder, & Breaking into the Healthcare Industry
By Michael Jones - May 10, 2017
This edition of Healthcare Career Rounds looks at articles about how the AHCA may have a negative impact on employment, how an inadequate number of training programs is set to make healthcare recruiting even harder, and how to get started on a career in healthcare.
The Millennial Revolution in Healthcare
By Riia O'Donnell - April 18, 2017
We’ve all heard the success and horror stories about hiring millennials: they’re dedicated/they’re slackers; they work hard/hardly work. Now the largest generation in the workforce (34%), millennials
Physician Turnover Costs & Causes, Healthcare Recruitment Challenges Continue
By Michael Jones - October 27, 2016
Emergency medicine physician Dr. Travis Ulmer blogged about some of the reasons why new physicians often don't stick with their first jobs. The main points to this blog post have to do with new physicians
Tips for Selling Your Organization as a Healthcare Recruiter
By Susan Gulliford CPRW - September 29, 2015
If you think because you are a recruiter that you are not in sales, think again. Over the next decade healthcare occupations are expected to grow faster than any other segment of the U.S. economy.
Strategies for Recruiting Success: Initial Contact and Communication is Critical
By Michael Jones - November 29, 2012
As a strategy for physician recruiting success, the first rule of thumb is to make initial contact with new candidates as quickly as possible. These days most physician job searches begin with online job