Posts Tagged "Residency"
View all postsTales from the Trenches: A True Urologic Emergency
By Ore Ogunyemi, MD - November 13, 2018
As a second-year resident with only a few weeks of urology experience, I was used to introducing myself whenever entering the ER, hoping to summon a façade of expertise and bravado that was not entirely familiar to me. However, on this occasion, as soon as I passed through the double doors of the ER, I was summoned urgently to the first trauma bays by a frantic looking ER attending. I walked by a very uncomfortable looking police officer standing just outside before entering the trauma bay to find the entire trauma team assembled next to the patient.
Tips for Acing Your Residency Interview
By Gerard DiLeo, MD - October 5, 2018
You need to convince them that you appreciate these things—common to all programs or particular to this one specifically—and then you need to convince them that you can give more than you get—that they will benefit from selecting you.
Changing Times and Changing Minds – A Post for Future Physicians
By Gerard DiLeo, MD - August 21, 2018
In my dad’s time, I know he did hysterectomies, appendectomies, vein stripping, colon surgery, proctology, and many other things that just having his diploma and a knife qualified him for. True, it was a pretty good diploma as diplomas go, but today we know that you can’t know everything about everything.
The Day After Residency: How to Maximize Your Career in Medicine
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - June 21, 2018
Your career in medicine will span several decades. Don’t become complacent and assume what you know now is the best and only option for your patients. Keep a curious mind and push yourself to explore interests and passions; your patients will thank you for it.
Dear Resident Physicians
By Faith A. Coleman, MD - June 14, 2018
Soon you’ll finish residency and you may be wondering, “What’s next?” Some of you will start fellowships, but most of you will practice your specialty. You may be looking for opportunities that are a good match with your needs and wants. Virtually all of you are looking forward to greater income. I hope that this ending is also a beginning – renew your commitment to the life-long learning that is medicine.
A Medical Doctor's First Day
By Gerard DiLeo, MD - June 5, 2018
The ink on your graduation diploma isn’t even dry yet. It is 6:59 AM on July 1, a minute before 7 AM on the day all shiny, new doctors begin working as real doctors for the first time.
A Reflection on My Time in Residency
By Nora Ekeanya D.O. - November 7, 2017
I knew I wanted to be a physician when I was 5 years old. Whether by parental grooming or destiny, I proudly proclaimed my intents throughout my childhood. I fondly look back on my teenage years spent accumulating accolades to “beef up” my resume and make me stand out in the sea of “outstanding scholars.”
Be Prepared Mentally, Physically, and Socially for Residency
By Nora Ekeanya D.O. - October 25, 2016
Nothing compares to the apprehension of starting residency. Okay - that’s not true, but it’s really high up there on nerve-wracking firsts. I remember my first day as a resident. In a matter
How I Ward Off Depression in Residency
By Nora Ekeanya D.O. - August 16, 2016
“At least you took a shower today,” I thought, as I slowly put on my pajamas and climbed back into bed. A week had gone by since I last left my apartment, other than to attend some classes, and I’d
How I Balance Residency and Personal Life
By Nora Ekeanya D.O. - May 17, 2016
Most physicians go into the medical field to “help others,” but it’s difficult to find ones who have found a healthy balance between being hard-working experts in their fields and also having a thriving