Healthcare Career Resources Blog
Recognizing and Mitigating Burnout in the New Year
By Mitchel Schwindt, MD - December 15, 2021
A professional demeanor in difficult situations is what patients generally expect, so physicians are trained to ignore fatigue and suppress their emotions. This mandatory coat of armor often leads to pent-up feelings and resentment. So, you're burned out at work and you're asking yourself this; now what?
How Healthcare Employers are Implementing Wellness Principles into the Workplace
By Laura Gilroy, MD - December 8, 2021
Caring for your body and mind is extremely important in medicine. While culturally, there is still not yet a strong emphasis on well-being in the medical community, these concepts are being adopted with increasing priority within some medical systems and hospitals. Here are a few examples of how some employers are implementing these wellness programs for burnout prevention and employee satisfaction.
What to Expect at a Site Visit
By Shani Saks, DO - November 30, 2021
You've been invited on a site visit to a medical facility you're thinking about joining. While you'll likely be given a tour and rundown of the organization's values, culture, and expectations, you should also be conducting your own research on the facility prior to this visit. To help prepare you for all you need to know, we've compiled a list of what to expect from a typical site visit.
Optimizing Healthcare Job Postings for Google
By Riia O'Donnell - November 18, 2021
SEO is a powerful tool to getting your job postings seen by more people. Good keywords can mean the difference between showing up at the top of the results, or tucked away on page 13. Let's talk about how to select the best search terms to drive the most clicks and engagement for your job ads.
7 Things You Should Do the First 7 Weeks of Your New Job
By Benjamin "Caleb" Williams RN, BA, CEN - November 10, 2021
You've finally landed your dream job, now you have to keep it. Making a good first impression on your colleagues and employer in the first few weeks will be critical to your long-term success in your position. Here we've collected 7 things you should be doing during the first 7 weeks of your new job.
Rethink Job Board Ads to Get Better Results
By Riia O'Donnell - November 4, 2021
With an upturn in resignations and an ongoing staff shortage, recruiting and maintaining talented employees has never been more important. That's why your job ads need to drive results, rather than fall flat. Here are a few tips for making your ads stand out when posting to job boards.
Hire Resilient Health Care Workers
By Patricia Bratianu RN PhD RH-AHG - October 28, 2021
One of the many hallmarks of a good employee is resilience. Resilient employees demonstrate intuitive problem-solving abilities, foresight, flexibility, time management skills, among other qualities. It is important as a hiring manager, therefore, to consider a prospective candidate's resiliency before hiring.
Physicians: To Change Your Career, Change Your Perspective
By David Beran, DO - October 20, 2021
There are countless alternative career options for physicians, but more often than not, we fall into the sunk costs fallacy. We already spent a decade in school and hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans, and now we want to leave that job? This doesn't seem conducive to any good state of mind, so when changing careers, it's important to also change your perspective.
Overcoming Unconscious Bias in Healthcare Recruitment
By Riia O'Donnell - October 13, 2021
Whether we admit to them or not, we all carry biases. These unconscious biases may be undermining your hiring efforts by limiting your candidate pool and overall candidate quality. As healthcare recruiters, we must seek to remove these unconscious biases to ensure the best possible healthcare for our communities.
Established and Proven Options for Alleviating Medical Education Debt
By Laura Gilroy, MD - October 7, 2021
The average US residency graduate has accumulated $250k in debt from their medical education. Suffice to say, a high student loan burden is a near certainty for almost all who take the road of a physician. In this post Dr. Laura Gilroy outlines the established methods for resolving medical education debt.