All Posts by Susan Gulliford CPRW

About Susan Gulliford CPRW
8 Amazing Personal Benefits of Volunteering
By Susan Gulliford CPRW - June 11, 2020
If you always wanted to volunteer, many organizations need your help. As states loosen their coronavirus restrictions, consider a volunteer position. There are many great causes that need assistance to address unprecedented challenges.
7 Tips for Writing a Great Recommendation Letter
By Susan Gulliford CPRW - February 21, 2020
A member of your team asked you to write a letter of recommendation for her. While it is sad when a valued colleague moves on professionally, you want to showcase her talents in the most effective manner possible. However, you do not want to spend hours writing a recommendation letter for medical school or a new position. There are several steps you can take to quickly write an effective letter of recommendation for someone pursuing a new position or graduate education.
When to Return to a Past Employer
By Susan Gulliford CPRW - November 22, 2019
A hospital or clinic saves time and money when it brings back someone who understands their culture, policies, and procedures, but not every situation lends itself to "boomerang." This article with help you evaluate when to pursue (and when to avoid) reaching out to a former employer for new opportunities.
What Registered Nurses Earn in the Fastest Growing States
By Susan Gulliford CPRW - May 14, 2019
Nurses in some states earn strong incomes, but nurses in others have lower earning potential. Compare these factors against cost of living statistics, your own household's financial needs, and your reasons for considering a move. Have a good idea of what incomes await you if you relocate to a fast-growing state.
Employment Trends in Behavioral Health
By Susan Gulliford CPRW - April 2, 2019
Whether you’re a new or experienced mental health professional, it is important to keep abreast of job market conditions. You can’t evaluate a job offer if you don’t know how it compares to the norms for the area and industry. Understanding the growth prospects in behavioral health is necessary, too...
6 Tips for Finding a Healthcare Job in Another State
By Susan Gulliford CPRW - February 26, 2019
Do you dream of looking out your window and seeing the Rocky Mountains? Do you envision going to a warm, sandy beach after your shift at the hospital instead of driving home in the snow? One big hurdle stands in the way of making your fantasy a reality, the difficulty of finding a job in another state.
What Physicians Earn in the Fastest Growing States
By Susan Gulliford CPRW - January 8, 2019
When you’re considering a move, you need to know how earnings in one state compare to the national average... If you’re like most Americans, you want to move to a Sun Belt state with warm weather or a western state with spectacular beauty. Some fast-growing states are huge while others have fewer people than Chicago. Per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, here is what physicians earn in the fastest growing states.
Career Trends in Allied Health - Spotlight on Fast-Growing Healthcare Jobs
By Susan Gulliford CPRW - January 11, 2018
Here are profiles of three fast-growing healthcare jobs that do not require individuals to have a Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctorate degree.
Physical Therapist Career Analysis
By Susan Gulliford CPRW - December 19, 2017
Physical Therapists (PTs) have abundant career opportunities. That is the conclusion of the latest study by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. They expect the U.S. to need an additional 71,000 Physical Therapists by 2024.
Immigration and Healthcare: How Proposed Changes Could Impact the Industry
By Susan Gulliford CPRW - November 28, 2017
Immigration is not only a hot-button political topic, it greatly affects the healthcare field. Foreign-born workers comprise: 1 out of 4 practicing physicians 1 out of 5 nurses and home health