Healthcare Recruiting Tips & Employer Resources
View all postsRecruiting & Retaining Rural Physicians - Avoiding Job Posting Errors - Medicare Readmission Penalties
By Michael Jones - August 11, 2016
Allee Mead with Rural Health Information Hub interviews David Schmitz David Schmitz is the Chief Rural Officer and Program Director of RTTs at the Family Medicine Residency of Idaho as well as the co-creator
5 Great Ways to Reward Your Employees
By Susan Gulliford CPRW - August 2, 2016
One 2014 survey found that 55.6% of physicians had a somewhat or very negative morale level; that figure was actually an improvement from research conducted two years earlier! When doctors, nurses,
Quitting Twitter, Hosting Site Visits, & Bad Job Search Tips
By Michael Jones - July 27, 2016
Matt Charney of RecruitingDaily says Twitter is a waste of time for recruiters, and offers some compelling reasons for why this is so. Try to build a business case for increased spend based on these less
Healthcare Career Rounds - Best states for docs, Passive job seekers, more
By Michael Jones - July 20, 2016 offered a blog post with five solid tips to help job seekers and employers know if they are working with a good recruiter, or not. 1. Listen more than they talk. Recruiters exist to match
Performance Reviews That Work for Everyone
By Susan Gulliford CPRW - May 31, 2016
Performance evaluations are a tool to communicate expectations and share feedback with employees. However, not every organization creates evaluations that fulfill these goals. When hospitals and practices
How the Best Employers Take Full Advantage of Exit Interviews
By Susan Gulliford CPRW - April 19, 2016
If you are an HR Representative or a Hiring Manager in healthcare, you must confront turnover. One survey of healthcare employers in 2015 identified that: Total turnover was 19.2% Voluntary
5 Benefits of Employee Development Programs
By Susan Gulliford CPRW - March 22, 2016
The unemployment rate for healthcare workers is 3.2% as of December 2015 ( This fact means that if you are a Human Resources professional in the healthcare field,
5 Major Challenges in Healthcare Recruitment Today
By Chad Harrington - March 16, 2016
For this post I interviewed Jason Campbell, Talent Acquisition Manager at Mount Carmel Health System. He shared the top challenges and solutions of healthcare recruitment today. This blog provides
6 Features of Great Job Descriptions
By Susan Gulliford CPRW - February 8, 2016
Turnover in the healthcare industry stands at 16.5%. As a Recruiter, your job is to identify and hire people who fit into your organization. Writing great job descriptions is essential to attracting
Avoiding Unprofessional & Illegal Interview Questions
By Susan Gulliford CPRW - January 19, 2016
When you work in healthcare, you often spend as much (or more) time with your co-workers as you spend with your family. Therefore, you want to make sure that the people you hire can perform the job